Configuration Instructions for Media Temple

DV and VPS Hosting


This article is will help you set up an IMAP connection to your (mt) Media Temple account using the Postbox email application for macOS and Windows.


Before you start, be sure you have these handy:

  • Your email address
  • Your email password
  • Any custom domain settings for your account

Configure Postbox

  1. Download and install the latest version of Postbox.
  2. When you first launch Postbox, you will be presented with the New Account Wizard. If you are adding an additional account, navigate to the File menu and select New > Mail Account.
    Postbox – New Account
  3. Enter your name, email address, and password then click the Continue button.
    Postbox – Enter Account Credentials
  4. Ensure that your server information is correct, then click the Done button.
    Postbox – Verify Account Settings
